Project Name:


Course Name:

Visual Thinking


Sandra Isla


Fall 2020

Type of Project:

Branding Project


Find a problem in the world and create a solution

for it using design. Create a brand for this solution

and create three different deliverables to showcase

this idea.


After some research I decided to create a solution

for peo-ple who may be over weight, unhealthy and

wanting to make a change in their lives. However

there are already plenty of brands that offer services

for this so I decided to dig a bit deeper and narrow

in my target audience. In the end I created a brand,

P.R.E.P. (Providing really easy provisions), that would

work as a meal prepping service directed towards t

hose with diabetes

Keep track of your calorie intake, activity,

and blood sugar levels all within the app

Scan your food labels to easily add in the

calories and nutrition elements of any meals